Craig Stevenson

Game Designer

Survival Tag

Survival Tag is a player vs player competitive game inside Adventure Academy for up to 10 players. A randomly chosen player is placed on the Tagger team denoted with a red ring. Remaining players receive a head start and have the ability to collect sporatic speed boost pick ups scattered throughout the map. When a Tagger catches a Runner, they convert to the tagging team. The game ends when all players have been tagged or the 3 minute game timer has ended. The top scoring players receive the most coins to spend in the Adventure Academy vendor stores.

It was extremely rewarding to spearhead the first PVP game type in Adventure Academy. I'm particularly proud of the player responses to the game as it instantly become one of the most popular activities in the MMO. Additionally, I enjoyed the challenge of making a kid friendly competitive experience with the added constraint of Academy not having physics calculations. We continue to see engagement growing and I believe this is the first in a string of new exciting gameplay that can be brought to the title.
